Grinell Lake, Lake Josephine and Lake Sherburne form a chain of paternoster lakes in Glacier national Park in Montana.

Paternoster Lakes

Montana, USA

Three Types of Lakes are found in Glacier National Park.

Glacial Valley Lakes are lower-elevation “finger-like lakes” located in long, U-shaped glacial valleys. These lakes are quite deep with steep walls.

Glacial Tarns are located at higher elevations. These smaller lakes fill ice-carved natural amphitheaters known as cirques. In many cases water runs out of the lake via a waterfall.

The lakes pictured here, Grinnell Lake, Lake Josephine and Lake Sherburne are called Paternoster Lakes. These are chains of smaller lakes strung together by streams, resembling rosary beads. These successively lower lakes fill the steps of giant glacial stairways.

Photo © copyright by Dr. Edward Mikol.

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